пятница, 11 октября 2013 г.

Leonov. Theory of Superunification. Chapter 3. Unification of electromagnetism and gravitation. Antigravitation

Chapter 3. Unification of electromagnetism and gravitation. Antigravitation.  167-261 pages.

Chapter 3 of the book:

1. Leonov V. S. Quantum Energetics. Volume 1. Theory of Superunification. Cambridge International Science Publishing, 2010, 745 pages. 


2. V.S. Leonov. Quantum Energetics: Theory of Superunification. Viva Books, India, 2011, 732 pages.


TEXT PDF Chapter 3. Unification of electromagnetism and gravitation

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The beginning of the 20th century was marked by the development of the theory of relativity. In the framework of the general theory of relativity (GTR), Einstein laid the foundations of gravitation as the properties of distortion of the space-time, assuming that there is a unified field which is the carrier of electromagnetism and gravitation. In 1996, the space-time quantum (quanton) and the superstrong electromagnetic interaction (SEI) was discovered as the united field which is the carrier of electromagnetic and gravitation interactions. The concentration of the quantons (quantum density of the medium) is the main parameter of the quantised space-time. In electromagnetic interactions the concentration of the quantons does not change and only the orientation and deformation polarisation of the quantons change. Gravitation is manifested in the case of the gradient redistribution of the quantum density of the medium, changing the quanton concentration. Electromagnetism and gravitation have been unified within the framework of the quantum theory of gravitation based on the quantum as the unified carrier of electromagnetism and gravitation.
3.1. Introduction
3.2. Nature of the electromagnetic wave. The luminiferous medium
3.2.1. Return to the luminiferous medium
3.2.2. Optical media. Fizeau experiment
3.3. Fundamentals of gravitation theory
3.3.1. Two-component solution of Poisson equation
3.3.2. Deformation vector D
3.3.3. Equivalence of energy and mass
3.3.4. Gravitational diagram
3.3.5. Black hole
3.3.6. Additional gravitational potentials
3.3.7. Newton gravitational law
3.4. Reasons for relativism
3.4.1. Relativistic factor
3.4.2. The normalised relativistic factor
3.4.3. Dynamic balance of gravitational potentials
3.4.4. Limiting parameters of relativistic particles
3.4.5. Hidden mass. Mass balance
3.4.6. Hidden energy. Energy balance
3.4.7. Dynamic Poisson equations
3.4.8. Dynamic curvature of space-time
3.4.9. The speed of light
3.5. Nature of gravity and inertia
3.5.1. Formation of mass
3.5.2. Reasons for gravity and inertia
3.5.3. Simple quantum mechanics effects
3.6. The principle of relative-absolute dualism. Bifurcation points
3.6.1. Energy balance
3.6.2. Absolute speed
3.6.3. Energy paradox of motion dynamics
3.6.4. Resistance to movement in vacuum
3.6.5. Dynamics equations
3.6.6. Bifurcation points
3.6.7. Complex speed
3.6.8. Relativistic momentum
3.7. Wave mass transfer. Gravitational waves
3.8. Time problems. Chronal waves
3.9. Antigravitation. Accelerated recession of galaxies
3.10. Dimensions of the space-time quantum (quanton)
Conclusions for chapter 3